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In the Beginning... Genesis 1 Bookmark

True story: A few years ago we were teaching the lesson of creation to our kindergarten class. One little boy had been listening closely with great interest. He asked with all sincerity, "How come nobody ever told me this stuff?"


t was a cute comment at the time and we were happy he was interested, but it also made us sad that he hadn't already been taught about creation at home. But some kids aren't, so that makes our service for the Lord even more important!

This easy-to-color bookmark illustrates the six days of creation. Inspired by a similar one I saw online. Go over each day with your little ones and make sure they know what each picture means!


  • Bookmark, copied onto plain white copy paper

  • Crayons or markers

  • Glue stick, optional

  • Bookmark "cover" copied onto card stock, optional


Have fun with your creation craft!

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