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Paul's Letters to Timothy

You can adjust this craft according to your little ones' ages or how much time you have (or how patient you are!). We started with 2 envelopes for each child, pre-addressed to 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy.

The kids were given 5 pages with Bible "verses" and a few blanks for them to fill in the words. A little (1) or (2) on the letters indicates which envelope they go in.

SIDE NOTE: Can you imagine Mom and Dad talking about the Bible telling us to pray for our leaders, or not to love money, and their kindergartner pipes up and says, "That's from Timothy!" The parents would go into shock! (In a good way!)

Each little page has some small elements for them to color and, if they're very young and are just starting to learn to write, you may only want to do one page for each, 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy.

When they put their letters in the envelopes, they put a "stamp" in the corner and use a self-inking stamp to make a little pretend postmark on the envelope. Makes it look official, and they LOVE to do the stamping!

We had about 15 kids in our class today, so I didn't have any time to take photos of them, but everyone participated and I think they all had fun and were proud of their work!

Materials needed:

  • 1 copy of each page: Template 1, Template 2, Template 3 for each child. Make a few extras as examples for them to copy.

  • 2 #10 envelopes (business size) per child. Before class, label them 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy (1 set per child)

  • Crayons or markers

  • Stamps or stickers - You could buy real 1-cent stamps, or use square stickers (optional)

  • Self-inking stamp to resemble a postmark (optional)


  • Color the pages.

  • Fill in the blanks, following the examples.

  • Fold and insert in the correct envelope (note the little number on each page)

  • Stamp and postmark

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