Saul's Road-to-Damascus Conversion

A flashlight and "shadow bag" show the dramatic conversion of Paul the Apostle on the Road to Damascus.
One thing you can say about Paul the Apostle -- even when he was on the wrong side, persecuting Christians -- he gave it everything he had!
This craft shows the most dramatic part of Saul's encounter with the Lord Jesus on the Road to Damascus. A light shone from Heaven and the voice: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" Saul fell to the ground, terrified! (Wouldn't you be?)
"Who are You, Lord?"
"I am Jesus, who you are persecuting."
This craft shows a little kneeling Saul inside a "shadow bag" lunch sack. There's a little window in the front so we can see him inside. Then when you shine a flashlight into the top, you get kind of a dramatic scene that recalls the light from Heaven. (It's especially dramatic when you turn the lights off!)
We bought those little $1 flashlights from Walmart for this craft. (Our church has them in a craft room for us to use, but we wanted the kids to be able to take them home.) BUT! We had them "earn" their light by learning the highlights of the story.
Here are the questions our kindergartners had to answer. And every single one of them did. It's amazing the details kids can remember when there's a prize on the line!
What was Paul's name before he was called Paul? (Saul)
Back then, was he good or bad? (Bad)
Why was he bad? (He tried to hurt Christians.) <--extra points if they use the word "persecute"!
What supernatural thing happened to Saul when he was walking down the road to Damascus? (A light shone down on him from Heaven.)
A voice spoke to Saul. What did the voice say? ("Saul, Saul, Why are you persecuting Me?")
What did Saul say next? ("Who are You, Lord?" or "Who are You?")
What did the voice answer? ("I am Jesus." or "I am Jesus, who you are persecuting.")
Small inexpensive flashlights
Lunch sacks (we use white, but any kind will do). Before class, cut a circle or square "window" from the front of each bag. Older kids could do this themselves.
Saul figures, copied onto card stock
Bible verse, copied onto bright color paper
Popsicle sticks, optional
Glue sticks
Crayons or markers
Color and cut out Saul.
Glue him to the top of a popsicle stick, if using.
Glue the Bible verse to the top of the bag, above the window.
If using the popcicle stick, cut a small slit in the bottom of the bag for the child to hold up Saul. (ALTERNATE: Since it takes 3 hands to work this craft--one for Saul, one to hold the bag and one to hold the flashlight--you might choose to either glue him to the back of the bag, with or without the popsicle stick. Or, to keep the 3D effect, you could also glue a small fan-folded strip of paper between him and the back of the bag.)
To use: Open the bag and shine the flashlight down into it. Once the kids have learned the story, they can show & tell it to others!