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The Holy Spirit: Tongues of Fire

In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit manifests Himself with what look like "tongues of fire" that rest on top of each of the disciples' heads as they also speak in other tongues.

I originally saw this craft on Pinterest too, so we made a version of this paper plate-hat and the kids LOVED IT! During the second part of class, we took a brief field trip down to the sanctuary and watched the choir practice for a few minutes. We attracted a bit of attention in our Holy Spirit hats!

Materials needed:

  • Paper plates, with cutting lines drawn on each one (see below)

  • Tissue paper, cut in about 3-4" squares in yellow, orange and red

  • Glue sticks

  • Scissors

Using a marker, make cutting lines on each paper plate that look something like this. You'll need to make a little "starter hole" in each plate so they'll have a place to get their scissor blade into.


  • Cut the paper plate where indicated.

  • Take a square of tissue paper and pinch it in the middle, between your fingers. Glue the pinched part to the flame shape of the paper plate. (NOTE: Our kids couldn't quite get the "pinching" part down and it didn't really matter. They just wadded up the squares and glued them on, and it worked just fine!)

  • When the flame-shaped part of the paper plate hat is covered in "flames," you're ready! Fold up the flame so it stands straight up when they wear the hat.

  • You may have to cut a bigger hole to fit their head. Have your grownup scissors on standby!

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