The Widow's Two Mites (Giving Offerings)

This little bank craft can be made from any small container that has a removable lid. I happen to go through Maxwell House International Suisse Mocha like crazy, so I save the empty containers just for this craft. (In fact I have many more than I can use, so if you want me to ship you a pallet...) The only problem is that you have to plan a few weeks ahead. If you need something last-minute, you could always use business-size envelopes or whatever containers might be in your church's craft room.

The text says: God loves a cheerful giver. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7
Why did Jesus notice one little widow who put 2 small coins into the offering? Find out in Mark 12 or Luke 21.

Collect your containers.
Make copies of Template 1 if using a Maxwell House Int'l Coffee container (includes cutting lines). If using another container, use Template 2.
Optional: Cut a coin hole in the lid or opening with an X-acto knife or box cutter.
Materials needed:
Crayons or markers
Glue sticks
Container covers
Dry paint brushes for cleaning out the containers
Decorative tape for covering any bare spots (my template doesn't quite cover the coffee container. It's about 11.5" around).
With the dry brush, sweep out any remaining product from the container. (I ask them to do this over the trash can.)
Ask them to draw happy and cheerful things on the cover.
Color and cut out the bank cover.
Glue the cover onto the container.
Use the pretty tape to cover bare spots.
Now they can save up their offering money to bring to church!