Jesus and Peter Walk on Water
Matthew 14

There is so much we can learn from the story of Jesus and Peter walking on the water! It's a great lesson about faith and a beautiful illustration of the mercy of our wonderful Lord Jesus!

We have a die-cutter at our church, so I used a border cutter to cut wavy-shaped lengths of tissue paper and blue cellophane in various shades of blue. If you don't have a die cutter, you could tear or cut shorter strips of paper and just angle a few on the paper to represent "points" of the waves.

The kids cut out a little Jesus figure and a Peter figure. You know the story--Jesus is walking on water toward the boat, the disciples are afraid at first until they recognize Jesus, and Peter calls out to Jesus: "If it's You, Lord, tell me to come to You on the water." (Important lesson: Peter could not have had faith to walk on water before Jesus told him to. But after He said, "Come!" then Peter had the Word of God to base his faith on. He COULD and DID walk on the water just fine--until he took his eyes off Jesus!)

Like the picture says, when Peter began to sink, he cried out "Lord, save me!" and IMMEDIATELY Jesus reached out and grabbed hold of his hand. Oh, the mercy of God! Even when we fail in our faith and mess up -- He is ready and forgiving to rescue us when we call on Him. He loves us SO MUCH!
Blank white paper (I like card stock for this project)
Jesus and Peter figures copied onto regular paper
Black or dark gray clouds from die cutter (optional)
Glue sticks
Color and cut out Jesus and Peter.
Glue the blue tissue paper onto the picture. Before finishing the water, glue on Peter and Jesus so it'll look like they're "in" the water.
Make sure you position them so Peter is sinking and Jesus is pulling him up.
Finish with another layer or two of waves.
Glue on the storm clouds (if using) or draw them on. Add some raindrops.
The moral of the story: DON'T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF JESUS! But if you do, admit it and ask for His help immediately!