Make a Christmas Angel Ornament

Today we studied the beautiful story of the angel Gabriel who visits Mary, then Joseph, to tell them their Child would be the Holy Son of God. This angel ornament is made from simple materials but the assembly may require a little help from you. But that's part of the fun!
Coffee filters (white) OR white baking cups for a smaller angel
Wooden beads - medium to large size
Decorative cord or string
Gold pipe cleaners
Paper clip (or other object to keep the string from slipping through the hole in the coffee filter)

1. Poke or cut a small hole in the center of the coffee filter or baking cup.
2. Fold the decorative cord in half. Tape the ends together and clip a paper clip to the taped ends to form an upside-down T.
3. Thread the loop through the hole in the coffee filter, working from the inside of the filter.
4. Thread the loop through the wooden bead and slide the bead down on top of the overturned filter.
5. With the pipe cleaner, make a small loop at the top and twist to secure. Thread the free end down through the wooden bead (there should be enough room for the decorative cord and the pipe cleaner) and pull the pipe cleaner through the filter until the loop is all the way to the top of the bead.
6. Bend the pipe cleaner loop to resemble a halo.
7. You can bend the extra pipe cleaner under the filter so it won't show under the filter "gown." (You could even bend it around the ornament cord so you wouldn't even need the paper clip.)

So simple, so cute!