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Queen Esther: Beautiful Inside and Out

The story of Esther is so cool, they ought to make it into a movie. Oh, wait! They did.

God positions a young Jewish girl to become one of the king's wives--and to have unusual favor with him so that an evil plan against the Jewish people can be thwarted. At one point she even risks her life in order to make a request of her husband, and it's a very exciting moment!

All kids like to imagine themselves as kings or queens (or princesses), especially when they're the heroes of the story. So for this lesson, making crowns for ourselves seemed appropriate!

To prep

  • Gold or yellow card stock

  • Template A - Crown

Make copies for each child.


  • Crayons and/or markers

  • Scissors

  • Glue sticks

  • Glue-on gems

  • Sequins

  • Tape (optional - to secure the band to the crown so you don't have to wait for the glue stick to dry)


1. Cut out crown.

2. Cut one or two strips off the bottom of the crown.

3. Decorate and color.

4. Teacher helps tape the band(s) onto the crown to fit the child's head.

5. Wear crown and begin to rule and reign!

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