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The Road to Emmaus: Luke 24

The best kind of heartburn

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the Road to Emmaus, found in Luke 24. It takes place after Jesus has risen from the dead and is just beginning to appear to His disciples.He appears to two of them walking along the road, but they don't recognize Him! They're sad because Jesus has been crucified and now His body is missing, but Jesus explains to them how these events are foretold throughout the Scriptures, implying that they shouldn't be sad, but overjoyed! Later, after He has revealed Himself to them as they're breaking bread, they look back on the conversation with the "stranger" and say (I love this part): Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us? ~ v. 32

Now, kindergartners may not understand deep spiritual things yet (some of us grownups don't either!), but they sure know what a warm heart feels like, because their little consciences are so tender. I hope their hearts get warm every time we talk about Jesus. I hope that's the case with ALL of us!

There are 2 crafts for this lesson:

  • The Road to Emmaus

  • Breaking the Bread

Craft 1: Road to Emmaus

To prep

  1. Copy the Road to Emmaus template (A) onto card stock paper.

  2. With your knife, cut a slit down the middle of the road on each sheet, following the curve. (Don't forget to protect the surface underneath!)

  3. Copy Jesus and the disciples (template B) onto card stock. Trim excess paper.

Supplies for Sunday morning

  • Scissors

  • Crayons or markers

  • Tape and/or glue sticks

  • Popcicle sticks


  1. Color Jesus & the disciples. NOTE: Kids might be impatient to assemble the craft and want to skip the coloring part altogether. Encourage them to at least color the hearts - we want that detail to stick with them!

  2. Cut out both pieces. Glue or tape them back to back, with the popcicle stick in the middle. (Hint: Tape the stick to the back of one of the sides first.)

  3. Color the Road to Emmaus background.

  4. Stick the disciples through the paper and, holding the stick behind the paper, make them "walk" bottom to top, starting out sad. About halfway, flip the disciples around to the happy side and let them "walk" the rest of the way.

Craft 2: Breaking the Bread

When they got to Emmaus, Jesus acted like He was going to keep going, but the two men persuaded Him to stop, rest, eat with them and spend the night before going on His way. Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight. ~ Luke 24:30-31

How cool is that!?

To prep

Copy the Breaking Bread template (C) onto tan or light brown card stock.

Supplies for Sunday morning

  1. Breaking Bread page

  2. Scissors

  3. Scotch tape (2-3 rolls for the table is plenty)

  4. Crayons or markers


  1. Color Jesus & the disciples.

  2. Color the two halves of the bread, if desired.

  3. Cut out the pieces.

  4. Lining up the two halves of the outside, place them on top of the inside and secure with a piece of tape at each end of the loaf to act as a hinge.

  5. You're done! "Break" the bread, open it up and see the disciples' reaction to recognizing Jesus!

When you're done, it's always good to ask the kids if they can explain the basics of what's happening in the story as it relates to their handiwork.

I hope you enjoy these little crafts! God bless you and your kids. JESUS IS LORD!

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